Pamper’s Loyalty Program

All valued clients of Pamper receive automatic access to our Loyalty Program. As a member, you’ll have the ability to earn and redeem loyalty points in our clinics.

Earn one loyalty point for every $25 spent in clinic.  

With no expiry date, you can accumulate your loyalty points and use them anytime – as often as you like!

It’s all part of our goal to help you reach all of your beauty and aesthetic desires.



  • Clients earn 1 loyalty point for every $25 spent in clinic on any treatment or product
  • Loyalty points cannot be transferred to cash
  • Loyalty points earned will reflect the paid value, not the recommended retail price (RRP)
  • Loyalty points will be awarded at the time of purchase, not at the time of booking.


  • Loyalty points can be used for any treatment or product purchase, including discounted treatments.
  • Loyalty points used to purchase discounted treatments will reflect the value at the time of use, not the RRP.


  • Pamper Medical Skin Clinic reserves the right to change or remove the loyalty program at any time.